
Faith Through Action

Our Ministries


Join us in worship every Sunday to hear a word from God. The point of using Lorem Ipsum


The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters.


The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters.


The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters.

Christ The Living Word Church is a community of people making their way into the future with Christ.
That's what we strive for in every ministry, service and program.
We want you not only to meet God but be transformed by His love too!


"21 to the 3rd Power" is the Evangelistic Effort put forth for our church. Every Born Again Believer has the charge and challenge to bring change in the earth through sharing the gospel "Good News" of Jesus' love and power. Romans 1:16 is the driving force, the main mission along with (Matthew 28:18-20) as the mission mindset of our "Go Ye Ministry!"  Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). As He is shall we be (1 John 4:19) where we live and everywhere we go as fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). All of us are to do "the work of an evangelist" (2 Timothy 4:5) even though some are afforded the gift of evangelism (Ephesians 4:11). 

Participants will be trained and equipped to be ready to lead others to the Lord personally and publicly(2 Timothy 4:2). 

Participants will have a number of opportunities to practice putting their faith into action via classroom development, workshops, evangelistic events, missions, decision time servants, and others. 

This is a BOLD and BEAUTIFUL ministry to belong to.

"How beautiful are the feet of them that being the good news." (Romans 10:15)


To learn more about this group, contact Pastor Mike Harris at



Faith, family and food are universal ways that connect and bring people together. 

At Christ The Living Word, we take the opportunity every 2nd and 4th Sunday to dine together as a church family. It gives us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy delicious meals while we nurture our faith through fellowship with each other. If you would like to feed your faith and your appetite, this is the place to be.

Everyone is welcome. Come join us!

For more information or interest in serving contact Anice at


The Men's Ministry meets on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 AM to Noon.


The intention of the Men’s Group is to provide an open, safe and trusted environment for conscious conversations and meaningful activities. The Men’s Ministry is held on the second Saturday of the month and will also participate in activities in the surrounding community to support CTLWC outreach programs as well as retreats throughout the year. 




"MMO" are Opportunities for men to fellowship with one another both inside and outside the church to strengthen one another through activities that activate and solidify authentic manhood to manifest. This affords men to nurture the needs of men as iron sharpens iron. 

Proverbs 27:17

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."


Teenagers and young men are also encouraged to attend.


To learn more about this group, contact Pastor Mike Harris at



Entrepreneurs for Christ

The purpose of the Nehemiah ministry is to rebuild the financial walls of believers through entrepreneurship and biblical financial awareness (the blessing). 

Nehemiah 1 (AMP)

Nehemiah’s Grief for the Exiles

1 The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah: 

Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the [a]twentieth year [of the [b]Persian king], as I was in the [c]capitol of Susa, 2 Hanani, one of my brothers, and some men from Judah came; and I asked them about the surviving Jews who had escaped and survived the captivity, and about Jerusalem. 3 They said to me, “The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its [fortified] gates have been burned (destroyed) by fire.” 

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Pastoral Care communicates Christ's healing love and compassion to all especially those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. "I was sick, and you visited me." (Matthew 25:36). In each of the Gospels the healing ministry of Christ clearly illustrates compassion for those who are suffering and in need of the healing touch of Jesus, whether they are in hospitals, health care residences, or homebound.  We also mirror social justice core values by offering human dignity, care for the poor, service, integrity, and by giving those we visit an experience that will strengthen their confidence in life and give them a reason to hope. 

Pastoral care visitors can assist their pastors by helping to share Christ's healing love and compassion with those in need - in their rawness and vulnerability - by offering friendship, encouragement, the ministry of presence, and, when requested, prayer and other ministry components. 

Pastoral care outreach volunteers visit the lonely, homebound, sick, injured, elderly, and dying, in hospitals, extended healthcare facilities, or at home. 

To request assistance from a Pastoral Care Volunteer, please contact out office (832) 487-8774.



In your scariest, most heart-wrenching moments, you don't have to be alone. Our pastoral care ministry is here to hold your hand, lift you up in prayer and love you through those challenging experiences. The pastoral care ministry is home to numerous support and educational programs including prayer support, hospital visits, memorial service planning, bereavement support and workshops, spiritual guidance sessions and ministry to our beloved members and companions.

We are here to support you in times of need, and we are also available to help you empower your dreams. Our pastoral care ministry team is always available to meet with members of our community to discuss referral and support options that are available.   


The Pastoral Care Center offers congregational care by making hospital and hospice visits. For more information about these specific programs call our Pastoral Care Ministries team.


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ntercessory prayer is prayer for others. An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another's case. One study Bible defines intercession as "holy, believing, persevering prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of another or others who desperately need God's intervention."   



The Biblical basis for the New Testament believer's ministry of intercessory prayer is our calling as priests unto God. The Word of God declares that we are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:4), a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), and a kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:5). 

The background for understanding this calling to priestly intercession is found in the Old Testament example of the Levitical priesthood. The priest's responsibility was to stand before and between. He stood before God to minister to Him with sacrifices and offerings. The priests also stood between a righteous God and sinful man bringing them together at the place of the blood sacrifice.   

Hebrews 7:11-19 explains the difference between the Old and New Testament ministries of the priest. The Old Testament Levitical priesthood was passed on from generation to generation through the descendants of the tribe of Levi. "The Melchizedek priesthood" spoken of in this passage, is the "new order" of spiritual priests of whom the Lord Jesus is the High Priest. It is passed on to us through His blood and our spiritual birth as new creatures in Christ.    


Jesus Christ is our model for intercessory prayer. Jesus stands before God and between Him and sinful man, just as the Old Testament priests did: For there is one God, and one mediator (intercessor) between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us (Romans 8:34). Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25). 

Jesus brings sinful man and a righteous God together at the place of the blood sacrifice for sin. No longer is the blood of animals necessary as it was in the Old Testament. We can now approach God on the basis of the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross of Calvary for the remission of sins. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can approach God boldly without timidity (Hebrews 4:14-16). 

Jesus was an intercessor while He was here on earth. He prayed for those who were sick and possessed by demons. He prayed for His disciples. He even prayed for you and me when He interceded for all those who would believe on Him. Jesus continued His ministry of intercession after His death and resurrection when He returned to Heaven. He now serves as our intercessor in Heaven.




In intercessory prayer, we follow the Old Testament priestly function and the New Testament pattern of Jesus - standing before God and between a righteous God and sinful man. In order to be effective standing "between" we must first stand "before" God to develop the intimacy necessary to fulfill this role. Numbers 14 is one of the greatest accounts of intercessory prayer recorded in the Bible. Moses was able to stand between God and sinful man because he had stood "before" Him and had developed intimacy of communication. Numbers 12:8 records that God spoke with Moses as friend to friend and not through visions and dreams as He did with other prophets. 

As New Testament believers, we no longer sacrifice animals as in Old Testament times. We stand before the Lord to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise (Hebrews 13:15) and the sacrifice of our own lives (Romans 12:1). It is on the basis of this intimate relationship with God that we can then stand "between" Him and others, serving as an advocate and intercessor in their behalf. 

Peter uses two words to describe this priestly ministry: "Holy" and "royal." Holiness is required to stand before the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We are able to do this only on the basis of the righteousness of Christ, not our own righteousness. Royalty is descriptive of the kingly authority that is delegated to us as members of the "royal family," so to speak, with legitimate access to the throne room of God.

Go Deeper Now!

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The Women's Ministry at CTLWC is for all women - no matter your age, background or life stage. 



We want to meet ladies right where they are and come along side them - encouraging, supporting, praying and equipping them in their journey with God. We want to grow our faith and demonstrate His love and grace through our lives and relationships. We want deeper, Christ-centered relationships with each other through women's small groups, prayer meetings, fellowships and mentoring.  We want to encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.  As we worship and serve the Lord together, we want every woman to feel loved and accepted for who she is in Christ so that she is transformed and empowered to live out Christ's love and grace.


Women's Ministry bible study is the 2nd Saturday of each month.

 You can connect with us anytime by emailing



The Adult Worship Team is growing and Living on 1 Chronicles 16:9

“Sing to Him, Sing Praises to Him; Speak of all His Wonders.”  



The Worship Team is a mighty ministry within CTLWC where the congregation is ushered into the Presence of God as led by the Holy Spirit.  This entails various forms of Worship such as Spirit Filled Singing in accordance to Ephesians 5:18-20 “… be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Also included are instruments, praise dancing, flags and other elements that would exalt Jesus Christ for God to move within our midst and on earth as it is in Heaven.  Worship is the Heavenly Realm brought to earth, Come and join us.


We are currently looking for Musicians to expand this Minisitry.


Audio Visual

Participants must demonstrate technical competence as either an audio or media technician.


For All

Be willing to be at Sunday Services and Thursday Night Bible Study and Other Special Events if possible.


For more information contact Reverend Brenda Pore at



“Equipping Young People to Live their faith!”

Raising and training this generation of Young people here at Christ The Living Word Church is a serious commitment of our Youth Ministry staff!

We use the Bible, as our instruction book, believing that, “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training…” (2 Timothy 3:16) for even our youngest members. Teaching children the truths of Scripture will make them wise for salvation (2 Timothy 3:15); thoroughly equip them to do good works (2 Timothy 3:17); prepare them to give an answer to everyone who asks them the reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15); and prepare them to withstand the onslaught of cultures bent on indoctrinating young people with secular values. 


The Bible tells us that children are a reward from God (Psalm 127:3).

Join Us For a Time of Healing & Deliverance at Salvation Saturday

Christ The Living Word Church

We’d love for you to join us this Sunday

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